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Growing Indoor Plants

PG Garden Products • Nov 12, 2021

Start your own indoor garden

We all have that friend who is a passionate gardener, determined to show us what a huge difference there is between store vegetable and plants, and the ones you grow at home. You probably spotted the difference straight away and the sweetness of a home-grown plant might be the reason why you are here. 
We don’t blame you! Store plants and home-grown ones are two separate things and the reason to it is not just taste, also: texture, flavour, colour, smell and the most important thing, the power of accomplishment after growing your first plants.

But the question that arouse the most out of this topic is: Can I grow something for myself without having a garden?

Of course you can! There’s loads of herbs you can grow indoors with little or no hustle. 
Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme, Chives, Bay Laurel and Mint are one of the most desirable perennial herbs used in any kitchen, that are easy to grow from young plants you can find at any garden centre. You can also start with plants dug out from any garden or even started from cuttings.

For instance, basil and mint are easy to root in a glass of water, while some herbs, such as basil, cilantro and chervil, are best started from seed and replanted throughout the year.
Before buying them, the most important thing is to make sure they are without pests.

What to look for? Aphids, spider mites and scales. Aphids and scale create sticky droppings around the plant. Spider mites make fine webs on and between the leaves.

It’s best to buy them without pests, but if it happens and you do find pests the best thing to do is to wash them with tepid water.

So, what are the best herbs to grow indoors?
Basil: A critical herb for cuisine around the world and an ideal mix with tomatoes, basil is easy to grow indoors. Basil loves heat and bright light, so give it a southern or western window or use a grow light. Avoid cool, drafty spots, especially in the winter. Basil is not a long-term houseplant. You can expect to keep and use it for several weeks, until the stems start to grow woody. To ensure a steady supply, plant a new batch of seeds every few weeks.

Mint: With dozens of flavourful varieties available, this is the plant you can devote an entire garden to. Choose from peppermint, spearmint, chocolate, orange, apple, banana and more. The occasional Mojito, a nice flavourful mint tea, or even a bowl of a nice dessert mixed with the strong refreshing taste, makes this plant an absolute must. 
To maximize the growth of your mint plant indoors you’ll need to provide it with a few things:

Sunlight: Outdoors mint can tolerate a good bit of shade, but indoors, the more light, the better. If you don’t have a sunny, north-facing window that receives sun through the better part of the day, consider purchasing a small grow light to install over your mint plant.

Water: One of the most important factors to consider when learning how to grow mint indoors is watering. Unlike some other herbs and houseplants, mint is far from demanding. Yes, you can over- or under-water it, but neither is easy to do. Mint tolerates both “wet feet” and dry soils. However, I aim for a good balance between the two.

Oregano: A must for Italian, Mexican, Central American and Middle Eastern cuisines, oregano is member of the mint family. Grow them as you would any other mint. Moderate to strong light and water them when you feel the surface of the soil is starting to get dry, without letting them dry out completely.


When you are ready to start growing Parsley at home, it is better to start from seeds sown in the container because Parsley has a long tap root that doesn’t transplant well. Water the pot regularly to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. It is best to empty the saucer under the pot after every watering, so the roots don’t stay in the water. Light is another important factor as growing it indoors this plant prefers strong light.   

So, what do you exactly need?

1.     Multiple Pots: IPP Pot SBX ZZG Black 3.0L (pggardenproducts.com)

2.     Seed Tray: Seed Trays & Propagation Trays (24 Pots) (pggardenproducts.com)

3.     Wooden Handle Trowel: Trowel 7.0 cm with wooden handle (pggardenproducts.com)

4.     Wooden Stick Labels: Wooden Stick Labels (pggardenproducts.com)

5.     Hand Sprayer: Birchmeier Hand Sprayer Foxy Plus 0.5lt (pggardenproducts.com)

6.     Potting Soil

7.     Seeds or Cuttings 

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